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Open Muse, OM, is a limb of Drasmin DreamWorks,  

dedicated to the artistic expressions of founder HaNa Aleph Drasmin. 





OM is an ever-evolving online gallery showcasing  Drasmin's artistic portfolio,

with a portion of monthly sales going back to restorative earth alliance projects.

Additionally funds support the savings for a live gallery space showcasing Drasmin, solo and in collaboration with other eco-centric artists, as well as featuring artists in support of indigenous cultures, all in support of eco-centric education reform, AHO.  






In addition to her art, Drasmin is an alchemist and published author, 

specializing in complex trauma resolution and nervous system restoration,

offering courses and guides towards unlocking your highest grounded potential.


musings on art

Some key reflections to consider when viewing art

(or requesting a customized piece) are, yet not limited to:


- How does this particular artwork reflect my presence

and purpose in this human incarnation?


- What symbols/messages in this art piece are sparking inner knowing

on what my why, aka my purpose is?


- Are there keys here to support me with shifting stagnation

so as to get back into alignment with my heart?


- If I am triggered,  how can I heal by realizing the lesson, gift, etc

of that particular relationship/experience?


- Is there something in this imagery that reflects what I

would like  to see more of in my immediate reality?

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