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adopt an original

How do I price an original, when it is more than simple lines;

what value can I place on a glimpse into light after a long cold night?

Every piece is a deep inner reflection, a perception and a perspective;

every weaving of line and colour is a conscious breath of love. 

The value I place  is in how my art speaks to you,

what remembrance does it stir within your soul

Sentiment is not in the physical object but in the love perceived it holds.

Value of cash supports the formation and expansion of THE school

integrating wellness and art to harmonize and optimize being.

The list below are a few pieces currently available for sale, 

although most of the work listed on this site are also available.

If there is an art piece not in the gallery below and not listed on the website as NFS or unavailable, I invite you to send me an email of which art piece speaks

to you, and why; what is the value you hold to give and the value to receive.

originals ready to fly home

The list below is NOT an inclusive list of current originals for sale. Unless marked "NFS" or "unavailable", all artwork on this website is available for adoption. Additionally sold originals may be recreated as a commission.

adopted originals

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