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alchemy art

  • All art and writing on this site are the original creations of Drasmin Dreamworks, watermark signature on artwork is for preview only

  • All original artwork is available for sale unless marked "sold" or "unavailable"; if no price listed please inquire

  • Artwork on this website is not comprehensive, additional creations are always in process

 alchemy of ... 

Alchemy is a process of unifying the individual wholes of mind-heart-body-spirit as one, a team working together for optimal thriving wellness of the singular whole. The following artistic journeys signify a pathway in the infinite possibilities of discovery, the title of the image both key and compass to the true north of magnificent eLOVEution

 healing hands 

An ever-unfolding prayer art series, each image is a multi dimensional prayer and interweaving channeled into and through an art piece designed on a mandala of the hand(s). The title of each prayer is an intention.

 alchemy tools 

An alchemy tool is either an energetic and/or physical tool that supports healing and transformation of a being, as well as can be used for shadow integration, ascension pathways, and oneness sessions on self and others. 


These range from oracle cards to tarot to runes, books and podcasts, ceremonial wear, rings, malas, pendulums, wands, and anything and everything in between that weaves elemental magic within and with a physical object.

To activate an alchemy tool, I weave selectively and initiate you into their mysteries as Spirit  and your higher self lead. Or you send me your chosen elements and intentions, and I channel both muse and oracle. Alchemy tools sometimes reveal their name, and as names hold power this remains betwixt the tool, creator, and recipient(s). 

When an alchemy tool "breaks", it is usually a sign the piece has finished integrated into its user. At this point a portion of the elements is recommended as an offering to the land and the rest transformed and upgraded, much like a graduation to the next level of a school. Following the law of energy, neither created nor destroyed only transformed, original intentions evolve with each transformation especially if it is a "new" creation from the old.

The (re)wiring of an alchemy tool is a quantum process. I tune into the energy of the pieces before me and listen to their memories and desires. If I receive broken pieces, I follow a like process. I allow the tool(s) to organically (re)become, creating new from the old (sometimes with the support of fellow alchemy tool craftsman Xorliyn A). In addition to rewiring the energetics of the tool itself, much like an electrician would recircuit a house, specific DNA codes and body parts can be activated and energetically connected to add extra layers of power. 

 alchemy of  blood 

Blood holds memory of all of life. Menstrual blood holds memory of an entire bloodline that was, that is, and that may and may never be. Painting with menstrual blood empowers this monthly shedding by giving voice to old traumas and unlocking wisdom keys within the blood, for my lineage and for the earth. Additional weaving in of the colours silver and gold amplify the alchemical process of re-writing misunderstanding and miseducation.

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