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Make Being Great Again

setting up for P.E.A.C.E

Hi Beloved. Welcome. Listed below is an introduction to the A-B-C’s of BEing. 

Each letter is a step to assist with creating a foundation and home for your inner PEACE. 


You are invited and encouraged to click the "access PEACE" button below for a free PDF guide including all the details for each letter, worksheets, and other fun surprises. 

A - altar.png

An altar is the physical representation of an energy breaker. It  is akin to the charging station of your spirit, much like a charging cable for a phone. 


It typically has a centerpiece (spirit)  representing you, and is surrounded by 4 elements of personal choice to represent the four seasons-elements-directions.


An altar can also simultaneously act as a  sacred space symbolizing devotion. In this case, the center would additionally represent your intention for wholeness and empowerment. 


Your altar is charged by your presence, intention and progress. On days you feel “low,” it is a place to recharge your spirit and re-empower your intention.  


We are one- made of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit (energy). An altar is a direct link to oneself & to all of life.

B - balance.png

Life is a dance of balanced oneness, light exists because of and for the night and vice versa.


In the BEing in the human experience, being at PEACE is what allows duality to dance.


Duality are two complement wholes within a whole, each aspect equally as important. In balanced oneness, these two wholes balance and nourishe the greater whole.


In the whole of PEACE, there are five complement wholes within the whole - Physical (body) - Emotional (heart), Awareness (spirit) -Connection (mind) - and Expression (engagement with others).


The PEACE AI webinar dives deeper into thesee 5 aspects of BEing, as well as offers examples and practices for each letter.  

E - experience.png

Life is an experience, not a goal or a destination to be reached. 


Pain and difficulty is a part of the human experience, yet all can be navigated with ease and grace. 


Every choice ripples into larger effect and you get to choose to experience every moment with joy or despair.


Keep clearing away the external and internal clutter. Your home is an outer reflection of your inner dedication.

Approach your home and yourself intimately, honestly, and respectfully as you would a dearly loved human or a pet.  You ultimately choose the pace and type of experiences to best support and nourish your growth and highest excellence. 

C - calendar.png

A calendar helps with time management as well as can be used to track personal progress.


It is highly recommended to have a paper calendar somewhere you see daily, in addition to or in lieu of using your phone. This is because we as humans are visual beings. Plus electronic devices can be faulty, as well as can be more easily ignored.


A calendar is a tool to support with daily balance. Scheduling time for self care a you would appointments and other responsibilites can help you SEE where you may need to shift your priorities for greater PEACE.

D- declutter.png

Clean and declutter your personal space. Set the intention to maintain a clean home, either through your own effort or with support from another.


Why? Because as within so without. If your living space is cluttered, your mind is cluttered. And when your mind is cluttered, P.E.A.C.E. has no home to settle gently into.


Gifting, donating, and recycling are some ways to let go of loved belonging.  Starting small and working up helps with both creating momentum and with breaking down a possibly large and daunting task into easy and  enjoyable bites.



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