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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer discounts for sessions?



It is more important to us you receive the support you need and pay to your best ability. If you are unable to pay the full session price, alternative trade exchange is available on a case by case basis with (typically) a minimum of 50% of total payment. 


To explore our energy exchange desires, please click here. 

Do you have a physical location?

AHO is a collective of leaders offerings sessions remotely and in person. In-person session vary based on the practitioner's current location. Below is our current availability:​

  • Eugene, OR (USA) - Aleph, Xorliyn

  • Sedona, AZ (USA) - Deva Vidya


If you are looking to host an event near you, please connect here

What are alchemy tools ?

Either an energetic and/or physical tool that supports healing and transformation of a being.


Some examples include Intuitive Counseling, Tarot, Oracle Cards, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Sound Feathering, Preassure Point Therapy, Tantric Massage, EMDR, Feather Fans, Wands, and more


To explore our current physical offerings, discover here

Tell me more about the enery field (EF)

The Energy field consists primarily of the outer Etheric Body (EB) and the Inner Subtle Bodies (SB), more commonly know as 7 chakras; the EB acts as the interface between the physical body (PB) and the SB, and both the EB and SB have a corresponding part and function in the PB. This interconnectedness between these three bodies ties in with the emotional, mental, and creative (spiritual) energies of a being; thus an imbalance  due to poor health choices, chronic pain, daily stress, etc can make one feel stuck, chaotic, depressed, lethargic,  etc. 

Do you offer private hape and cacao circles?



These can be done at either the privacy of your home, in a secluded nature spot, or at our healing temple.


Below is the list and locations of our practicing shamanic  guides::​

  • Eugene, OR - Aleph & Xorliyn


If you are looking to host an event near you, please connect here

Do you offer any other "medicine" ceremonies?

Some of the tribe members of Drasmin DreamWorks are experienced shamanic journey guides, each their own specialty of plant medicines. If there is a particular plant or combination of plant medicines you wish to journey with, or you have a specific issue you wish to resolve and are uncertain what plant medicines might best support your healing journey, please connect here. 

What is the role of a "shaman" during ceremonies?

A traditional shamanic journey guide acts as a cosmic channel and a "spotter" during your journey, much like a coach at a gym, providing guidance and support as needed and as requested.

For plant medicine journeys, psychoactive through psychadelic and everything in between, it is highly recommended and often necessary to have a introduction call pre journey and an integration call or in person session a few days after journey.  


To ensure you are sitting with a practitioner of integrity, we always  encourage you tune into your own intuition.

What is neural rewiring?

An energetic reset of one's nervous system to alleviate chronic toxicity and cut attachment (karmic) cords; deeper trauma release may include DNA Recalibration as needed.

As this is a "walk" through muscle memory, Past, Present and Future lives may and typically are all simultaneously affected.

What is DNA recalibration?

An energetic reset that restores  broken neuro pathways and gives each chakra an empowering cosmic boost.  By tapping directly into one's energetic blueprint and genetic coding, a  transmission of channeled Light Language neutralizes toxic pathways which ripple into the resolution of chronic illness. 


This is sometimes and often followed by a DNA upgrade, an activation or boost of one or more strands of the 12 DNA helix to support with anchoring into & integrating with the physical body.


DNA Recalibration is commonly used in soul retrieval sessions, to activate one's life path, and to rewrite soul contracts.

What is a cosmic boost?

By connecting to Universal Consciousness, quantum light codes are woven into one's DNA and nervous system using master reiki and sound - a mixture of vocals accompanied by one or more  musical instruments such asa medicine drum,  singing bowls, didgeridoo, rattles,cymbals, and bells.

What is soul retrieval?

Over time, in this life and those past, one can experience a loss of power via emotional, physical, mental, sexual, and spiritual (religious indoctrination) traumas and wounds inflicted by others and/or by self in the choices one has made. Soul retrieval can help bring back soul parts, energy, and even power animals that empower one on their journey of liberation to restore the sense of passion, joy, and inspiration once known and possibly forgotten


Soul Retrieval can also help one come into great awareness of  both past life and present life contracts , including the "contract" signed when entering the human experience, which can be  activated to trigger one''s soul purpose or renegotiated.

Soul retrieval is helpful for activating one's soul purpose, as most of the innate intuitive/spiritual gifts one possess tend to be an accumulation of lifetimes. Past lives and one's soul contract does not need to be known or rewritten to active one's soul purpose

What is attachment cord cutting?

Cords of attachment are energetic bonds( karmic bonds) created between two people, or between a person and an institution, object, substance, and/or past situation (including but not exclusive to past lives) which remains in the present; they strengthen when fed dense emotions like fear, worry, anger, or negativity in an interaction, and both keep old pain active as well as perpetuate past challenges and tensions in the present. If one is quite empathic, compassionate, and sensitive, one may even pick up small cords from strangers in passing in the subconscious attempt to uplift them.


For example - if you start a new relationship without cutting the cords to your past loves, it is HIGHLY likely the same past patterns will quickly repeat, because of the cords which are attached the problems and challenges from your past energetically still very much alive in the present. The same is true with cords to ones parents - without cutting them, past feelings from childhood of inferiority, guilt, etc. will repeat in the now. Addictions are another prime example of attachment bonds, and more often than not are rooted in past lives


Cutting cords of attachment can help one to heal, to release the past, and to step into one's power and into new possibilities for loving interactions. It starts as an energetic process of cutting fear based mentalities, followed by the emotional shift to no longer speak of said experiences in a "negative" light as well as the physical shift of removing any objects that are connected with the past attachment Once the process begins one can notice immediate results in a shift of perspective, and thus be able to more easily see the lessons and blessings through loving awareness.


An important point of awareness - when cords are cut between two living beings, consciously or unconsciously, they will feel it too, and may even reach out and contact you. If this is the case,it is crucial to establish healthy boundaries, to surround oneself with love and light, and to have a support group that is encouraging of the improvements one wishes to cultivate so the cords don't just reattach themselves.

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